Some poems a mine....

     Bet a lotta ya didn't think I could write poetry, huh? Well, U mite B
 rite. It's up 2 U, just keep an open mind, peeps. 



as she walks thru the crime-stricken alley she stumbles on the remaining needles of the last gang gathering she thinks about the bullet shot still ringing in her ears as some constant reminder of the painful past red engulfs her sight as she pushes back the painful memories into the back of her brain his face enters her mind and she remembers the hurt, the anger, the hate it was all his doing, the evil man the bad man, the villain in every story as she remembers his face, she hears the voice the voice that turns the knife inside her heart everyday the hurt is stronger, she feels like she’s dying inside his voice, as he cried out his last struggling cry she sees the red, red paint-like fluid flow down his pitch-black shirt like syrup as she stands glued to the cement helpless to the yearning to run to him to hold him in her arms for his last moments but she can’t as she watches him silently crumble to the ground her eyes redden and she feels the feeling rush from her body and she feels the water gather in her eyes and her mouth hangs open suddenly, she hears someone call her name and bring her back from her everlasting memories her eyes moisten for the last time for her buried love as she pulls the trigger and the shot rings out thru the abandoned alley Nightmare blackness seems to jump out at you from out of nowhere and you are alone nothingness is everywhere you hear a rustle you turn your head to hear the noise but all you see is nothing you close your eyes and count to ten you open them and nothing’s changed surrounded by darkness you stumble in your hurry to escape to survive to get away from the terrifying dark suddenly the ground flies toward your face you slam your eyes shut just in time to miss the collision but the sting runs through your body you think ‘this is the end’ but you refuse to give up you leap to your feet and sprint madly to find someone, anyone to save you from this hellhole then, you hear a voice a light accompanies it you open your eyes fireflies in a sea of the darkest velvet shining eternally as you lay in the grass it tickles your ear while you look up to the heavens sprinkles of stardust cover the blanket of blackness you take a deep breath of the midnite air it fills your lungs and you close your eyes not the tiniest bit sleepy, but you feel the urge to doze your mind wanders off to a vacant spot in your brain and you concentrate on the quietness the darkness the peace then you feel dizzy and realize you’ve been holding your breath you exhale with a loud ‘whoosh’ when you open your eyes the sunlite blinds you you wonder how long you’ve been laying there and you think you really don’t care and you close your eyes again and doze Missing Empty like a vacant room That’s how I felt inside Hurting like a shotgun wound That’s how I felt inside Drowning in a pool of grief Whirlpool sucking down That’s what the feeling was inside After you were gone Reverie I want you to know that I love you, No, not loved, but love. Not dead, simply taking a break From things you were scared of. Tough times come and go, And I know you had your fill. But this doesn’t change the simple fact, I love you, and always will. We had our times, both bad and good, And happiness outweighs the sad. We knew our time was measured short, So we both cherished what we had. You couldn’t have been happy here, With physical limitations. You with your made-up stories, And your magickal creations. Nights in the boat on the ocean, We watched the sun go down. I knew you wanted inside that star, And I think that’s what you’ve found. So I’ll cry, but just a little, For I know you’re happy now. Someday we’ll be back together, Someday, but not now. --- Running In the dark No where to go No time to spare Trip and fall Stand up again Hit the wall Scratch my chin Pitch black night Monsters roam In my mind In my home Blinded by tears I start to race Away from fears I must feel safe Up ahead I see a light Although with dread I give up the fight The dark is gone And so is pain All alone But no more strain It’s over now But just begun No more struggle My time is done Scars of Memories Why do your words haunt me so Why can’t I just go on and let it go Why do you insist on invading my dreams Why does your voice tear my heart at the seams? What do you do when you just can’t forget What do you say when you’re not happy yet What can you do when the days seem like years What will protect you from old foolish fears? How did sanity leave with your warm embrace How can I live without seeing your face How do I go about playing the part of someone who doesn’t have a shattered heart? When will the pain start to fade from my life To go on living without grievance and strife When will your words not ring in my ears It will be soon, death is finally here. --- Stay away from me Just to be safe Don’t get too close You might get burned I don’t want to hurt you So I’ll give you this warning Keep your distance I can’t be responsible For what might happen if you get too close if I can’t let go To protect my heart To defend my soul Become unattached So I’ll let you go It will kill me inside But I’ll bear the pain To prevent the hurt That will come again --- I can’t believe I did that- Hurting you like I did Forgiveness isn’t an option Damnation fits the crime But yet you’re still here, Standing by my side The harder I push The tighter you hold Saving me from myself My shining knight And I the lady-dragon Pulling you in, Running you through Only to do it again You won’t give up No matter my strikes to you Or to myself You never run away Though you should, I would From all the pain I’ve caused You won’t give up Please don’t give up. please can i live another day will you let me can i survive this pain will you kill me please can i change my ways in time can i learn to die will i drive the hurt away somewhere in my mind please please hurt me so i don’t feel this way do unto me how i hurt you i tore out your heart so hurt me don’t let me live like this please hurt me so i won’t hurt anymore crying blood bleeding tears kill me now so i can live please --- I can’t live with you like this Holding me back, my life to miss Hating, waiting For the freedom that will never come Crying, trying For the person that I can’t become Release me now I’m gone There is no hope I give up It's too hard I can't win. And the pain It won't stop As the tears Overflow. My heart hurts My mind's blank I need to I have to Get rid of this pain To help them And help me I know just the way. Aching heart will be stopped Empty head will be gone. I won't hurt them no more I can't cause destruction. No longer will I cause them pain I'm only one, it's all the same.

     That isn't all I've written.  I'm in the process of writing a story
 (novel, actually) right now.  Some of the characters in the story are
 members of the Hanson family.  I know, a lot of people don't like
 them, but this isn't a Hanson story, it's a story that has them as
 characters in it.  If you're intrested, go here to 'I Swear'. 

Thy art the th soul to stumble to this comforting surrender. Blessed Be.