I didn't steal any ideas from anyone. No names were used, no nothing. This was written out of my mind. And please don't steal it, OK? I don't steal anything of yours.. well except a few pics. :) but I'll put up a link to there... some time. With that in mind, here you go.
He left behind a beautiful life. He left behind a half-read book. He left behind three wonderful children. But most of all, he left behind a widow. We were married when I was only 17. I had to have parents consent, and they reluctantly agreed, knowing there was no way they could stop us. It waan’t a big wedding, our families and a few close friends was all. I’ll never forget how wonderful he looked in his rented tuxedo. He hated wearing it, I know, but he looked just like a king. My dress wasn’t to showy, but at least it fit. I was still outshone by him, no matter what I wore. He went to school, and in the evening he had a good job at the computer shop across town. I worked during the day at a day care center. It didn’t pay much, but it kept us balanced. While I was at the center, he stayed home and watched the kids. He taught me most of what he learned in school, and we were saving up so that I could join him. He died at twenty-two. Twenty-two. It was because of a serious disease he had, but I never assumed it would take him so soon. Twenty-two. He died before he even had a chance to live. Our oldest daughter, Rose, had a nightmare in the night. He’d told me before that she’d wake herself up, and not to interfere. But I couldn’t just lay there and listen to her moans. When I woke her up, Rose told me that she had a dream that she and I were in a field with flowers and big rocks everywhere. I had been crying in her dream, but she didn’t know why. I put her back to bed and checked on out son, Tad, who was almost a year old. He looked so peaceful sleeping in his little crib. When I returned to our room, he was still asleep. Usually, he woke up when I left the bed. I sat down beside him and asked, “Are you awake?” No answer. “Honey, are you OK?” I asked him, shaking him by the shoulder.Still, no answer. “Wake up sweetie, come on. What’s wrong? No, wake up.” I began to feel hysterical. “Please, please wake up. Don’t do this. Oh, please wake up. No, don’t leave me! Wake up, don’t leave me here!” I cried frantically. “No, baby, please just wake up. Don’t do this! No, please!” He was put to rest last Sunday. I had him cremated, like he’d told me he wanted. The doctor said it was a seizure that got him in the middle of the night. Then, I knew that if I had done what he said and let Rose sleep, maybe I could have helped him. If only... I’m four months into my pregnancy. The doctor told me that it looks like the baby already has traces of his disease. He said there might be complications even before he’s born. I don’t know if I could bear to lose another man in my life, especially his son. I dug my wedding dress out of the closet yesterday and tried it on. It barely fit over my bulging stomach. I stood there and closed my eyes, seeing him in that uncomfortable tux. We didn’t get wedding pictures taken, they were too expensive. No, the only place that image lives is in my mind. We had four wonderful years together, and that’s more than I could ever ask for. Two gorgeous children, and another on the way! No, I won’t be selfish and say that I wish he were still here, or that I wish I was with him. I’ve been extremely lucky to have such an angel in my life, even if it was for only a little while. Tad probably won’t remember him, but Rose will remember a little, I hope. How he would lift her up in his shoulders when she was tired from walking. And on Saturday mornings, how the four of us would lie in our bed for nearly an hour, his arms wrapped around us all. Of course, I’ll have my memories too. Waking up inthe morning to his beautiful eyes, staring back at me. The way he wrinkled his brow when trying not to burn the rice for dinner. Yes, I was indeed lucky. I loved him, andhe loved me right back. No, no that’s not what I meant. I love him, and he loves me right back.
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